The FX Award-winning Mono system and Kube framed banners are two of the products we have designed for London-based graphics firm, Praxis. The systems can be found in many major galleries and museums, as well as in retail applications.
“Once the mono banner system is specified, the sale is virtually made and our competitors rarely get a look-in. The product has enabled us to command significantly higher prices and yields a better net profit.
“I believe that the mono banner system has probably doubled the net worth of our business.”
Andrew Nicklin, Director, Praxis Limited
A revolutionary medical device that cleans the lens of the laparascope with a high-speed gas jet and increases theatre productivity.
View case studyHow we worked with in-house scientists and engineers to create this highly compact device.
View case studyAn award-winning tool for interventional radiologists, helping to guide needles under live X-ray.
View case study